Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus

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The Payroll Services Directorate of the Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus has the main responsibility for the correct and prompt payment of the emoluments of the State Officials and Public Servants, as well as of their retirement benefits.

The prompt and correct payment of the remuneration of the Governmental Employees, the Hourly-Paid Governmental Personnel, and the Governmental Retirees.

Mission and responsibilities:
· The correct and prompt payment of:
          • The remuneration and various benefits to the State Officials and Public Servants.
          • The one-off pension benefit to the State Officials and Public Servants upon their retirement.
          • The pensions of the Governmental Retirees or their widows/widowers and children.
· The preparation of the budgets for the remuneration and various benefits for the State Officials and Public Servants, both for the current year as well for the three subsequent years, which is sent to the Departments for amendments, if any, before incorporating them in the State Budgets.
· Keeping a registry for all Public Servants which can be used by the Departments for the purpose of preparing various studies.
· The management of the Provident Fund of the Regular Hourly-Paid Governmental Personnel based on the agreement between the Government and the unions, and which secures the safeguarding of the Fund’s money. The Sector also pays money out of the Fund to the Regular Hourly-Paid Governmental Personnel upon their retirement/resignation.
· The examination, approval and monitoring of the advances paid to civil servants for the acquisition of motor vehicles to those employees who make extensive use of their private vehicle for governmental purposes, as well as of advances for the purchase of furniture and equipment and for the payment of rents for those employees who are transferred for service abroad.